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Monstera deliciosa
Swiss Cheese Plant
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Myoporum ellipticum
Coastal Boobialla
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Nandina domestica
Heavenly Bamboo
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Neomarica gracilis
Walking Iris
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Pandorea pandorana
Wonga Wonga Vine
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Philodendron selloum
Philodendron Hope
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Philodendron tatei 'Congo'
Congo Philodendron
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Poa labillardieri
Tussock Grass
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Pyrostegia venusta
Orange Trumpetvine
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Randia fitzalanii
Native Gardenia
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Rhoeo discolor Dwarf
Cradle of Moses
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Rosmarinus prostrate
Creeping Rosemary
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Russelia 'Lemon Falls'
Firecracker Plant
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Russelia Ruby Falls
Firecracker Plant
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Senecio serpens
Blue Chalksticks
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Stenocarpus sinuatus
Firewheel Tree
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Strelitzia nicolai
Giant Bird of Paradise
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Strelitzia reginae
Bird of Paradise
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Syzygium australe
Brush Cherry
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Syzygium smithii
Lilly Pilly
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Tabebuia palmeri
Pink Trumpet Tree
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Tradescantia spathacea Rhoeo
Moses in the Cradle
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Tristaniopus laurina
Luscious, Water Gum
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Viola hederacea
Native Violet
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Waterhousea floribunda
Weeping Lilly Pilly
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Westringia 'Wynyabbie Gem'
Wynyabbie Gem Coastal Rosemary
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Westringia Mundi
Dwarf Coast Rosemary
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Westringia Zena
Coast Rosemary
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