Production Wholesale Nursery

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Scroll to find out who Instant Green is...
Scroll to find out who Instant Green is...
Photo of plants under shade house at Instant Green Nursery.
Our Mission
Get In Touch
Beyond growing plants for a greener future we are working towards making the process of finding, ordering and receiving wholesale plants easier.

Navigating through thousands of plants on a list to find specific species and sizes for a project can be extremely time consuming, so we aim to make it more efficient for everyone. No matter the size or type of project, our experienced and passionate staff hope to make your plant search easier.
Close up photo of tree foliage at Instant Green Nursery's Wamuran growing location.
When it comes to the growing process we like to keep it simple. We house a wide range of plant species to the needs of each variation ensuring an optimal growing environment, and the plants do the rest. We don’t take it easy on our plants, conditioning them through exposure to the harsh South East Queensland climate in accordance to each species hardiness, so you can be sure they’re ready for the wild... or urban jungle.

Whether you are a landscape contractor, architect, designer, developer, council, retailer, builder or fellow wholesale nursery, we aim to meet all your plant needs. We propagate, grow, trade, supply and deliver plants to a broad range of projects from commercial to council. This has included high-end residential developments, public urban spaces, council parklands, and more.
Our Nursery
Landscape photo of Instant Green Nursery's plant farm in Wamuran showing tractor transport plants.
Location: Wamuran QLD offering pick-up and delivery options.
Our production site in Queensland, Australia, propagates tubes to growing large trees. Our water treatment facility and transfer delivery pumps ensure an environmentally conscious irrigation process. To find out more or book a visit, email
Close up photo of tree foliage at Instant Green Nursery's Wamuran growing location.
Landscape photo of Instant Green Nursery's plant farm in Wamuran.
Optimal growing conditions.
Our Standard
Our team is made up of experienced horticulturists and local plant enthusiasts who live and breath plants… perhaps a bit more than the rest of us. We maintain a consistent standard to ensure our plants are tough and looking their best.
Seed or Cut
It all starts with a healthy growing environment. We aim to maintain clean surrounds that remain as natural as possible. Our sheds and growing beds share their space with a large dam and natural flora and fauna.
Truly starting the growing process from the ground up we use seeds or internal cuttings to propagate a large number of our plants. This ensures we maintain complete quality control throughout each plants growth.
We treat each plant species growing needs according to their specific requirements to ensure optimal strength from root to leaf. With a broad range of experienced horticulturists each species early growing stage requirements are covered.
With our fleet of trucks we offer a delivery service that guarantees the safe travel of your plants directly to your project site or desired location. Add delivery requirements, dates, and locations to your quote request or plant schedule form.
Local Brisbane production wholesale plant nursery
Horticulturist working in Instant Green wholesale plant nursery