Senecio serpens

Blue Chalksticks
Senecio serpens plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Senecio serpens plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Senecio serpens plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Senecio serpens plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Senecio serpens plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Senecio serpens plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Senecio serpens

Blue Chalksticks
It is a semi-trailing, low-growing dwarf shrub that forms a dense mat that reaches only about 20 cm in height and features silvery-blueish, finger-like fleshy leaves. It produces small and round, pompom-like flowers that may superficially resemble a virus.
South Africa
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Please note: Photos are NOT of current stock but a representation of the species only. If you request a photo of a specific pot size please Contact Us.