Monstera deliciosa

Swiss Cheese Plant
Monstera deliciosa plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Monstera deliciosa plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Monstera deliciosa plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Monstera deliciosa plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Monstera deliciosa plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Monstera deliciosa plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Monstera deliciosa

Swiss Cheese Plant
This member of the arum family Araceae is an epiphyte with aerial roots, able to grow up to 20 m high in the wild, with large, leathery, glossy, heart-shaped leaves 25–90 cm long by 25–75 cm broad. The leaves on young plants are smaller and entire with no lobes or holes, but soon produce lobed and fenestrate leaves as they grow.
South Mexico
Permanent Stock
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Please note: Photos are NOT of current stock but a representation of the species only. If you request a photo of a specific pot size please Contact Us.