Melaleuca thymifolia

Honey Myrtle
Melaleuca thymifolia plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Melaleuca thymifolia plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Melaleuca thymifolia plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Melaleuca thymifolia plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Melaleuca thymifolia plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Melaleuca thymifolia plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Melaleuca thymifolia

Honey Myrtle
Melaleuca thymifolia is a low, spreading shrub which grows to a height of about 1.0–1.5 m with grey, corky bark, glabrous foliage and arching branches. Its leaves are arranged in alternating pairs (decussate) so that they make four rows of leaves along the stem. The flowers are a shade between pink and deep purple and are arranged in heads.
Eastern Australia
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Please note: Photos are NOT of current stock but a representation of the species only. If you request a photo of a specific pot size please Contact Us.