Hibbertia scandens

Snake Vine
Hibbertia scandens plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Hibbertia scandens plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Hibbertia scandens plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Hibbertia scandens plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Hibbertia scandens plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Hibbertia scandens plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Hibbertia scandens

Snake Vine
A vigorous and twining plant with large yellow flowers in late spring and summer, Hibbertia scandens makes a great ground cover plant or a twining plant for open wire fences and trelisses. Low maintenance apart from cutting back any stems that wander into unwanted places.
Eastern Australia
Permanent Stock
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Please note: Photos are NOT of current stock but a representation of the species only. If you request a photo of a specific pot size please Contact Us.