Hardenbergia violacea

Happy Wanderer
Hardenbergia violacea plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Hardenbergia violacea plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Hardenbergia violacea plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Hardenbergia violacea plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Hardenbergia violacea plant foliage from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Hardenbergia violacea plant from Instant Green Nursery located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Hardenbergia violacea

Happy Wanderer
It is a vigorous evergreen climber growing to 6 m or more, sometimes growing as a subshrub. It has typical pea-like flowers which are usually violet but can be white, pink or other colours. The leaves are dark green, "hard" and leathery, with prominent venation.
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Please note: Photos are NOT of current stock but a representation of the species only. If you request a photo of a specific pot size please Contact Us.